Enabling Any Business
To Win Business
Like Big Business !

Since 1992, CornerStone actively Managed, Architected and Engineered IT solutions across the Federal, DoD and Commercial landscape:
Presidential Transition Team (PTT) 2000, 2004 and 2008: Enterprise solutions and technical oversight.
2000—created engineering support architecture that extended the reach of the FSS National Helpdesk into the PTT community in order to support the user. Using VNC, created a Linux based proxy/bastion host to enable support staff from FSS to access PTT enterprise assets.
2004—Engineered PTT enterprise to include: Microsoft Active Directory, Exchange, Blackberry Enterprise Services (BES), unique desktop Ghost image and supporting applications. Defined helpdesk and deskside touch maintenance procedures.
2008—Created end-to-end employee asset deployment strategies to ensure that laptops were correctly imaged, user and email accounts were properly created, blackberries were properly activated, and all the above assets were properly assigned to the user. Trained helpdesk personnel on the use of Remedy to manage their support processes.
Program Management for General Services Administration (GSA), Federal Acquisition Services (FAS) Business Line Applications Support Team.
Responsible for Microsoft Active Directory, Windows Server 2003 and 2008 standard images, RHEL Linux, DNS and VMWare high availability hypervisors. Developed FAS Windows Physical to Virtual (P2V) Technical Approach. Defined FAS Applied Engineering AD OU structure and developed key Group Policies (GPO’s) to manage security requirements of FAS Microsoft assets. Managed key GSA/OMB initiatives such as USA Spending (FFATA), WelcometoUSA which were built and deployed on a Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP) stack.
Task Order Management for General Services Administration (GSA), Federal Supply Service (FSS) Client Services Branch.
Responsible for Client Services engineering in the development of GSA’s desktop standard Ghost image for Windows 95, Windows 2000 Workstation and Windows XP. Images were developed as a GSA standard and were released on a quarterly basis to GSA wide agencies. Responsible for the development of Client based GPO’s as auditor and approver of all security GPO’s pushed to FSS workstations. Employed WinInstall to manage software deployment and successfully updated FSS workstations on a quarterly basis, keeping these assets current and secure.
Enterprise Standards for GSA’s ITAPC, Directory Services, Client Services and Security subcommittees.
Represented FSS interests in defining technology standards across GSA. Managed DBC engineering staff and actively participated in the development of the Microsoft Active Directory standard for GSA directory services. Migrated FSS from Novell (GSANDS) to its current Active Directory Enterprise Architecture. Presented the GSA Enterprise Architecture to PBS at their yearly Regional conference and assisted in PBS’s engagement into the new GSA standard. Defined standards for whole disk encryption using PKI based products to secure PII and other sensitive but unclassified (SBU) data. Supported the SSP for GSA FAS’s GSS in identifying and responding to Microsoft security controls selected from NIST Special Publication 800-53 Rev 2.
Program Management of the State of Maryland’s Y2K Telecommunications Initiative; specific to
Public Safety and the wireless communications community.
Responsible for the Y2K compliance assessment of state owned wireless/radio assets used for public safety to include radios, 800MHz transceivers, Microwave and other tower centric transmission equipment. Developed Business Continuity and Contingency Plans (BCCP) to identify asset vulnerability and presents the highest risk to the state’s governance. Developed cost models, procurement criteria and deployment schedules for generator and backup power requirements for 310 radio tower locations throughout the State of Maryland. Developed and implemented a Linux / PHP web-based Event Management and Decision Support System to manage the States Emergency Operations Center.
Engineered MCI’s desktop broadcast architecture of three MCI channels based on a TCP/IP Video Teleconference platform.
Designed the TCP/IP based television pilot studio on a Linux based reflector technology. Engineered a video capture technology to directly connect to MCI’s television studio, capturing the NTSC analog signal, digitize via two codecs, one for video; the other audio, packetize and ship via TCP/IP to the users desktop. Pilot proved successful and MCI implement three internal executive channels.
Engineered Sylvan Learning Systems’ “break-out” methodologies for the Caliber Distance Learning platform.
Standardized on the Cornell University’s CU-SeeMe video teleconferencing architecture, developed first proxy/video distance learning method, to include a Linux-based server reflector to present a one-to-many virtual video classroom. Designed and implemented a “raised hand” feature into the video teleconference technology to allow students to interact directly with proctor.
Engineered of the Air National Guard’s Domain Name Service (DNS) fabric.
DNS appliances were based on the AT&T 3B2 S5V2 UNIX servers. Servers were built and deployed to Guard installations nationwide.
Engineered the Internal Revenue Service/Chief Council Super Server Benchmark.
This benchmark established measurable system atomics and methodologies to capture pressure in CPU, memory, network and I/O for heterogeneous hardware platforms. Microsoft NT 4.0 was the targeted OS. Systems were stressed and measured to determine “best in show” for implementation as a standard through out Treasury.
Managed the development of I-TRAX, the immunization tracking module of the Medicive product suite for the Walter Reed Army Medical Health System.
I-TRAX was developed using Microsoft C++, Cold Fusion, and PHP. The SQL database model is currently supporting MS SQL Server and Oracle. I-TRAX utilizes the WinFrame “thin client” technology for wireless electronic chart capability. Designed under OOP methodologies, web-enabled versions of I-TRAX takes advantage of the Visual Studio J++ and DAO object libraries for a fully functional web-based immunization tracking in support of “travel/telemedicine.”