Enabling Any Business
To Win Business
Like Big Business !
CornerStone was founded in December, 1992 to develop solutions leveraging emerging technologies of that era. The result was some of the first IP based television broadcasts, video based distance learning platforms and Telemedicine technologies. In our past 25+ years, we have transformed the enterprise of entire agencies, managed large public safety implementations and supported 3 Presidential Transition Teams. CornerStone continues to influence the appropriate implementation of emerging technology, such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, data analytics and the like. Our maturity and experience in information technology safeguards against the temptation to let tech drive the business; in contrast, CornerStone makes certain that our business driven Offer Design implements emerging technology to support the objectives of the portfolio.
Today, CornerStone focuses our efforts in capture centric activity. We train business development and capture professionals in "In Pursuit - A Business Development Life Cycle", our very own business development framework. The Life Cycle lifts the best from Large Business BD methodologies and tailors them for Small and Mid-Tier firms. The Life Cycle is based on Continuous Capture Improvement and designed to give you the latitude to add, modify, and remove practice areas as needed. The Life Cycle encourages the practitioner to engage the activities cognitively until they come naturally. Doing nothing, produces nothing, doing some produces little, doing a lot produces some, and doing it right, produces most. The Life Cycle is designed to be adopted corporately or practiced individually. Corporately practiced establishes the firm's business capture rhythm. Independently practiced increases your skill set as a business development professional, experiencing the enjoyment of successful pursuits and personal wins.
CornerStone enables small business to win business like big business !